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Prescriptive Therapy

Custom Blended For You


60/ 90 minutes - £75/ £95

Inspired for aiding relaxation and nervous system restoration this indulgent full body massage is for those who need deep release and replenishment by healing hands with the power of therapeutic oils.

A prescriptive blend of organic essential oils is chosen for you after a lifestyle consultation, and combined with advanced massage techniques, Marma Point therapy with warm herbal poultices and sound healing. All levels of your being are taken care of and journeyed through a rich, sensual experience to alleviate physical discomfort and repair the body’s flow of Chi (energy) and connection to self.  


60/ 90 minutes - £75/ £95

Deep tissue massage with advanced techniques for focused muscle tension release whilst reinvigorating your energy system. Ideal for sport’s muscle tension and body discomfort accumulated from work stress, postural complaints and sports fatigue.


60/ 90 minutes - £75/ £95

Ancient and multi-dimensional healing is channelled into you with this hands on touch therapy and amplified through the use of crystals, which were formed thousands of years ago deep in the Earth, and which hold the memory for its healing properties. Working also with psychic energy, Tamara aids opening new energetic pathways to re-energise you with new frequencies of light and Chi (energy). Includes Chakra balancing and Aura healing.

Ideal for those with emotional and mental fatigue, in need of re-connection to themselves, their life ambitions and Mother Earth.


60/ 90 minutes - £75/ £95

Developed in ancient India as a remedy for releasing upper body tension, Tamara’s own unique take on this traditional treatment incorporates massage and pressure point therapy to unlock deep tension in the back, head and face. Aids increased clarity, circulation and full relaxation.


60/ 90 minutes - £75/ £95

As mirrors for the body with thousands of nerve endings, reflexology applies specific therapy techniques to the feet, which help relieve the body through the corresponding meridian and energy pathways which run up through it.

Treatments : Products
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